Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I taught a class!

Tonight, I taught class!  I had just finished telling the new white belt that we just do not cancel class.  I stubbornly repeated the word 'never' until she stopped asking.  Then no one else showed up! 

I did have only one student and even with that one student, I was perfectly ok with skipping rolls altogether for fear of hurting her knee & just letting one of the Sensei correct it another time.  That said, I think I managed to do a good job with the rest of class.  It went like this:
  • Solid stretching and warm up routine
  • Ukemi; crucifixion, side-fall, back-fall, face-fall, (no rolls) 
  • Special attention to breakfalls 
  • Nikkyu from a same side wrist grab
  • O Soto Gari from judo grab
  • Koto Gaeshi from a cross hand wrist grab
  • Ippon Seoi Nagi from judo grab
  • Uchi komi of Ippon seoi nagi
  • Ikkyu from a cross hand wrist grab.
I focused on making the technique better than the way I found it, but was quick to switch away when attention to detail became excessive criticism.  All in all, I'm not nearly ready for the role, but I'm very happy with the way that I handled today.

Separately, I considered promoting myself to Supreme Shihan Master and redesigning my uniform to include two blackbelts worn crisscross over my gi (Mexican Bandito Style) but opted against it.  If left again to my own devices, I will revisit the idea.