Thursday, September 6, 2012

YouTube Street fights

I normally don't like watching street fights on YouTube. At the same time, I have to admit that they've definitely helped my training.  Mostly they involve several people surrounding one person who doesn't want to fight, then one, or all of them begin to strike.  It's instructional in the sense that it shows you just how cruel people can be.  Also, it will give you a clear, real-world picture of what our training aims to emulate.
Ironically, our multiples always seemed a little silly to me until I watched these videos.   All of a sudden, I saw it as a very important part of our workout.  If you watch a few of them, you'll quickly find that the victims often do not follow some (or all) of these ideas.
  • Be aware of who is around you.
  • Don't allow anyone to stand directly behind you.
  • Move out of the center.
  • Don't expect to be treated with mercy.
  • If you have to interact with an attacker, do so for only long enough to help you get away.
  • Don't be afraid to run.
In general, do the exact opposite of what the movies do. I suggest that any new student who has been around for at least six months and has not yet done so to seriously sit down to study those videos.  You'll get a lot more out of your training when you can conceptualize what it is that you're training to attain or avoid.

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